Customer Service Associate Recruitment Associate

What makes me, me?
I feel content with where I am now, a family of 3 and a job to financially support our needs. I don't feel that I need to prove myself just as long as I always give my best.
Tell me about your role at CPBA. What does a typical day look like for you?
I work full-time for CPBA; 20 hours limit for sales recruitment and 20 hours for HR recruitment. I normally start my day by checking and answering emails. I check CRM for leads and work on documents for enrollment. As part of HR recruitment, I check applications for active roles and ensure to post new job ads as soon as possible.
What's the standout highlight of your experience working at CPBA?
The standout highlight/s of working at CPBA: 1. An opportunity to work in HR recruitment - I was initially hired in Customer Service but was given an opportunity to expand my role in the company when they saw that I have a background in HR and the potential to support CPBA recruitment 2. Build relationships - It is always a good exposure to communicate with other nationals and understand their culture in some ways Also, working with my fellow Filipinos is a "comfort zone". I haven't seen any of them yet but I believe we have built a good online relationship 3. Potential Income - Receiving commissions is a big help in sustaining my family's expenses
What skills do you bring to the table in your job?
I am keen on details, highly organized and I try to balance quality and quantity output. I try to contribute as much as I can and be collaborative at the same time
When you're not working, what activities or hobbies do you enjoy most?
I enjoy spending quality time with my family, especially with my 3-year-old daughter.