Support Office Administrator

What makes me, me?
Tell me about your role at CPBA. What does a typical day look like for you?
I am admin support for the enrolment of the learner. I made sure that learner provided all the necessary documents to be eligible to the funding. I also prepare some other task like ebs online application, certificates, destination and helping other admin for other task.
What's the standout highlight of your experience working at CPBA?
Learners' eligibility-checking for all the courses of CPBA, and CPBA's partners.
What skills do you bring to the table in your job?
Good communication, organized, technical skills - as a VA I have to learn different software to be able to conduct my task, team-work to meet the deadline, keen to details
When you're not working, what activities or hobbies do you enjoy most?
listening music while doing household chores, Karaoke