Semi-permanent Lip Liner

Semi-permanent lip liner is used to trace and highlight the outer perimeters of your lips. It can stay for up to 15 days based on the brand. The application is not painful as it involves applying liquid and letting it sit to dry. Generally, the colours come in plastic tubes with a pointy felt tip. 

In most cases, a semi-permanent lip liner is an ideal choice for the sake of convenience. You don’t need to reapply or touch it for several days. Also, you can try it to find out if you need to use a permanent lip liner. 

Simi-permanent lip liners use special dyes that are made from herbs. Most of these dyes are henna-based. We know that henna is a shrub with violet or blue blooms. 

The henna leaves are dried and ground into fine powder. Then an acidic liquid is mixed with the powder to produce a dye or stain. The stain colour can create a dark orange or reddish-brown hue. 

After applying, you can use the same natural dyes to enhance other areas of your hair and face. You may try different colours to accentuate your eyes or lips. For lip area enhancement, you can use a combo of a semi-permanent lip liner and a henna-based lip gel. 

Henna-based semi-permanent lip liners don’t cause any adverse reactions. However,  cosmetic brands that use chemicals may cause allergic reactions. 

Although you can apply a semi-permanent lip liner at home, we suggest that you can hire the services of a licensed cosmetologist. 


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