Prevent and Anti-Radicalisation Policy

Excellence-Solutions’ Prevent Policy is a strand of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. The UK faces a range of terrorist threats. Threats are not limited to the threat from religious extremists and we, therefore, need to be mindful of all potential threats to which our learners are exposed to. All terrorist groups who pose a threat to us seek to recruit and radicalise individuals to their cause.

Nationally Prevent seeks to:

  1. Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote those views.
  2. Provide practical help and support to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support.
  3. Work with a wide range of sectors where there are risks of radicalisation which need to be addressed, including the education sectors, criminal justice, faith groups, the internet, and health service.

Links to other policies

The Excellence-Solutions Anti-Radicalisation statement links to the following policies:

  1. Safeguarding policy;
  2. Equality and Diversity policy;
  3. IT policy;
  4. Freedom of Expression policy.

Aims and principles

The main aims of this statement are to ensure that staff are fully engaged in being vigilant about radicalisation; that they overcome professional disbelief that such issues will not happen here and ensure that we work alongside other professional bodies and agencies to ensure that our learners are safe from harm.

This policy has the following clearly defined aims:

  1. To promote and reinforce a set of shared values, founded on tolerance and respect for others.
  2. To create a safe space for free and open debate.
  3. To promote a sense of community cohesion both within the Academy and within its wider external community.
  4. To ensure that learners are safe and that we create an environment that is free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
  5. To support learners who may be at risk from radicalisation and to be able to signpost them to further external sources of support where appropriate.
  6. To ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities under this policy and they are able to recognise and respond to vulnerable learners.

The principle objectives are that:

  1. All staff will have an understanding of what radicalisation and extremism are and why we need to be vigilant.
  2. All staff will know what our policy is on anti-radicalisation and extremism and will follow the procedures when issues arise.
  3. All learners and employers will know that the Academy has policies in place to keep learners safe from harm and that we regularly review its systems to ensure they are appropriate and effective.

Definitions and indicators

  1. An ideology is a set of beliefs.
  2. Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism.
  3. Safeguarding is the process of protecting vulnerable people, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or from being drawn into terrorism-related activity.
  4. Terrorism is an action that endangers or causes serious violence damage or disruption and is intended to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made with the intention of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.
  5. Vulnerability describes factors and characteristics associated with being susceptible to radicalisation.
  6. Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. Calls for the death of British armed forces are also included.

There are a number of behaviours that might indicate that an individual is at risk of being radicalised or exposed to extreme views. Such behaviours may include:

  1. Spending increasing time in the company of other suspected extremists;
  2. Changing their style of dress or personal appearance to accord with the group;
  3. Day-to-day behaviour becoming increasingly centred on an extremist ideology, group or cause;
  4. Loss of interest in others and activities not associated with the extremist ideology, group or cause;
  5. Possession of materials or symbols associated with an extremist cause;
  6. Attempts to introduce others to the group/cause;
  7. Communications with others that suggests identification with a group, cause or ideology;
  8. Using names/language ranging from insulting to derogatory for members of another group;
  9. Increase in prejudice-related incidents committed by that person – these may include:
    1. Physical or verbal assault;
    2. Provocative behaviour;
    3. Damage to property;
    4. Derogatory name calling;
    5. possession of prejudice-related materials;
    6. Prejudice related ridicule or name calling;
    7. Inappropriate forms of address;
    8. Refusal to cooperate;
    9. Attempts to recruit to prejudice-related organisations;
    10. Condoning or supporting violence towards others.

This list is in no sense intended either to be exhaustive or any more than a description of possible consistent behaviours – rather than proofs – of radicalisation.

Managing risks and responding to events

Embedding values within Excellence-Solutions

Equality and Diversity, the values of respect and tolerance will be embedded within teaching and learning sessions. This will be supported by additional tutorials where necessary on a range of subjects that support values and values-based decision making. Staff will encourage open and safe debate with support from specialist staff as and when required.

Coordination and overall responsibilities

The designated officer will have overall responsibility for the coordination of any Prevent activity.

Partnership and working with other agencies

Excellence-Solutions will engage with relevant external agencies such as local authority, police and the Regional Prevent Coordinator. We will share information with external agencies as and when appropriate to safeguard learners.

Risk Assessment

Excellence-Solutions designated officers will conduct the prevent risk assessment, this risk assessment and subsequent action plan, which will be reviewed annually, or sooner, if required.

Staff training

All Excellence-Solutions employees are required to complete safeguarding training; this will also include the prevention of radicalisation and extremism awareness training. Training will provide staff with the ability to identify and understand the factors that make people vulnerable to being drawn into extremism and the knowledge of Excellence-Solutions processes and procedures to report concerns. This will form a mandatory element of staff training both at induction and at quarterly meetings.

The distribution of leaflets and other literature within the Excellence-Solutions

Any literature being distributed within Excellence-Solutions from external agencies or by learners when this literature is not related to their training programme requires prior permission from the Marketing Manager / Head of Academy

Speakers and Events

Excellence-Solutions actively seeks guest speakers and external agencies to assist and support in the learning experience. However, we will refuse entry to those speakers whose values are contrary to Excellence-Solutions’ own and who may wish to engage with the Academy to promote extremist views.

Online safety

Excellence-Solutions employs web filtering intended to stop learners accessing inappropriate material whilst on their premises. Excellence-Solutions will continue to promote online safety and educate learners about safe and responsible internet use, embedded within their course programme.

Procedures for referrals

Although serious incidents involving radicalisation have not occurred at the Academy to date, it is important for us to remain constantly vigilant and remain fully informed about the issues which affect the wider region in which we teach. Staff are reminded to suspend any professional disbelief that instances of radicalisation ‘could not happen here’ and to refer any concerns through the appropriate channels which is the Prevent Officer (Anetta Molnar) or Designated Safeguarding Officer (Stacey Shim). In the absence of the leads, it should be reported to the Operations Manager or the Deputy leads.

This policy will be reviewed annually.