Is Hairdressing Easy to Learn?

Starting a college course might feel intimidating. Meeting new people might make you feel nervous, or it could be the idea of learning something completely new.

Everybody has to start somewhere! And the saying, “Practise makes perfect”, has never rang truer.

What types of learning happen on a hairdressing course?

Hairdressing is a practical subject, a trade, a skill that even when you have qualified you will continually need training to improve and keep on top of new hair techniques. In the 1940s, having your hair set in rollers to create the perfect wave was popular, nowadays hair extensions are all the rage. The ever-evolving fashion industry will keep you on your toes.

As well as theoretical areas in hairdressing, like how and why chemicals affect hair follicles, you also need to learn the practical, how to apply those chemicals perfectly.

Is hairdressing easy to learn?

You really shouldn’t worry about how easy hairdressing is. Truth is, as with anything in life, there are both the easier and more difficult areas to learn. Each person will differ as well. Perming and relaxing hair might be easy for one person, but tricky for someone else.

Your personality and natural talents will make you enjoy certain parts of hairdressing more than others. This is great because further down the line, you might decide to specialise in the areas you enjoy most and within a salon environment you will work as a team to ensure the best service to clients.

CPBA offers free employment advice and guidance to their women’s hairdressing learners. We also offer free women’s hairdressing courses and work placements.

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