How The ‘Diamond Gap’ Fingernail Test Can Help You Determine Early Signs Of Cancer

Push your nails together and press your index fingers against each other. Once you do that, tell us – can you see a small tiny diamond-shaped window of light?

This unusual test will tell you if you have lung cancer, according to Cancer Research. The so-called ”finger clubbing” happens in 35% of people with non-small cell lung cancer and with 4% of people who have small cell lung cancer.

So, how can this show you anything? Well, the finger clubbing means that the base of your nail bed is a lot softer and the skin will become super shiny around the nail. The ends of the fingers can also change and become larger as well as longer. All of these factors can contribute to your diamond gap test, and can cause your nails to lose their shape.

If you can easily press your nails against each other, you have the Schamroth’s window and your nails are not clubbed.

Of course, having curved nails does not necessarily mean that you have lung cancer. If you have been coughing for up to 2-3 weeks, or even worse – coughing blood, been experiencing a lack of energy, as well as the loss of appetite, you could and should visit your doctor.

Also, always talk about your nail shape with your manicurist. If they are experienced enough, they will give you some insight.

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