Gratuit* Diplomă VTCT de Nivel 2 înCoafură pentru femei

Visul tău e să devii Coafeză? Învață șirealizează-ți propria carieră de Coafeză înîn doar 3 luni.

Student Reviews
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4.85 (20 vote)
305 students enrolled
Fill in the form to get more information
I understand by submitting my details I will be contacted by CPBA with information about their courses and surveys related to their courses (not with spam we promise)
Course Highlights

Only one full day and one half day a week for 10 weeks

Career in the hair industry

No experience needed

Valuable certificate accredited by VTCT

Alege acest curs dacă:

Ai16 ani sau mai mult;
Ești creativ;
Vrei să îți începi carieră în industriapărului;
Ți-ar plăcea să îmbunătațesti aspectulclienților cu o tunsoare și aranjare a părului;
Îți place să interacționezi cu oamenii;
Ești deschis să înveți idei și tehnici noi;
Ești atent la detalii;
Îți place să fii mereu ocupat.

Cursul este conceput pentru cei care nu au experiență în domeniul frumuseții, darsunt interesați să avanseze în carieră șisă învețe tehnici care să le îmbunătățească viitorul în industriapărului.


*O carieră care se potrivește perfect planurilor tale de viitor?
*Să îți programezi singur clienții și să-țistabilești singur prețurile?
*Să lucrezi ca și Coafeză într-un, salon, sau chiar de acasă?
*Să îți folosești abilitățile pentru a creatunsori perfecte?
*Să înveți mai mute despre coafura și săfaci bani din pasiunea ta?
*Să îți faci clienții să se simtă caadevărate celebrități?
*Să faci oamenii să se simtă maiîncrezători
*Să începi o nouă carieră astăzi?


*Nu ai cunoștințe în domeniu;
*Ai timp limitat pentru a studia;
*Vrei să avansezi în carieră
*Nu îți permiți să plătești pentru un curs care îți poate schimba cariera;
*Vrei să creezi un viitor mai bun pentrufamilia ta;
*Ți-ar plăcea să ai locul de muncă, dar șivenitul asigurate.
Asta înseamna că ești în locul potrivit lamomentul potrivit.

Pe parcursul acestui curs vei invațadespre:

*Ce șampon, balsam și tratamente trebuie săfolosești în funcție de tipurile de par ale clienților și cum să îngrijești părul corect.
*Alegerea corectă a produselor, eqipamentului și tehnicilor pentru a satisfaceclienții și chiar promovarea produselor prinrecomandarea lor,
*Atât despre tehnicile de baza cât și celeavansate de tăiere și coafare a părului.

De asemenea, beneficiezi și de:

Business Traning și Planuri de Carieră.Ședințe de orientare și planificarestrategică nelimitate, alături de consilierulnostru de carieră, și chiar îndrumare șisprijin după absolvire. Consilierul nostrute poate ajuta să îți construiesi cariera înindustria părului, te poate chiar ajuta să tepregătești pentru angajare, fie că alegi săînchiriezi un loc într-un salon, sau să îțideschizi propria afacere. De asemenea, îți punem la dispoziție o lista actualizatăcu posturi vacante, pentru a te ajută săgăsesti un loc de muncă după absolvire.

Acces GRATUIT la creeaarea propriuluiwebsite

Nu trebuie să te îngrijorezi pentru că nu știi cum să îți constuiersti propriulwebsite, sau să plătești o companiepentru asta.

Ai avantajul de a a-ți creea gratis un website care include tot portofoliul tău. O pagină despre tine, unde clienții tăi pot cere serviciile tale doar trimițând un email care va directionatat la adresa tapersonală de email.

Ce voi realiza?

După absolvire, obțineți o diplomă VTCT de Nivel 2 recunoscută pe planinternațional, care va califică ca și StateRegistered Hairdresser (SRH) la The Hairdressing Concil.

Acest curs durează doar 3 luni!

Învățați de la profesioniști dinindustrie:

CPBA are 10 ani de experiență în ceea ceprivește finanțarea și strategiile de angajare pentru oamenii dornici săînceapă o carieră în industria frumuseții. Am ajutat 5.000 de solicitanți de locuri de muncă, să obțină un un interviu de angajare la jobul la care au visat, în doar6 luni.

Cât durează cursul?

Puteți absolvi în doar 10 săptămâniparticipând la o zi și jumătate de curs pe săptămâna, la academia noastră. Acestaeste cel mai rapid mod de a începe o nouă carieră. Trebuie să fiți pasionat și săvă asigurați că practicați tehnicile învățatechiar și în timpul liber pentru a ajunge la rezultatul dorit într-un timp atât de scurt.

Cum voi învăța?

Veți fi îndrumat de un Hairstilistprofesionist, care vă va ghida prin lecțiipractice, atat pe colegii Dumneavoastra, cat și pe clienți reali. Te vor împinge să îțiatingi obiectivele și iti vor fi evaluate abilitățile teoretice cu sarcini scrise pentrua se asigura că înțelegi pe deplinimportanța sigurantei cand lucrezi cu pe corp.


*Varsta minima de 19 ani;
*Pasiune pentru munca in domeniul parului;
*O Diploma de Nivel 1 in domeniulparului, sau experienta anterioara, care va fi testata printr-un test la inceputulcursului si un interviu;
*Purtareaunei uniforme de culoare neagra, inclusivpantofi cu talpa joasa de culoare neagra. Noi va oferim un tricou de culoare neagra, marca CPBA gratuity;
*Achizitionare unui kit care sa includa: foarfece, uscator de par, piepteni si perii.

Cum se plătește cursul:

Pantofi cu talpă joasă, noi va oferim un tricou marca CPBA.

Nu va trebui să plătiți pentru curs dacăaveți între 19 și 23 de ani și dacă aceastăeste prima dumneavoastră calificare, saudacă aveți peste 23 de ani și nu suntețiangajat , dar primiți beneficii de la stat precum JSA sau Universal Credit. Încazul în care nu primiți beneficii trebuie săplătiți o taxa în valoare de £100.

*Se solicită plata unei taxe de administrare în valoare de £10, care va fi dedusă din taxa de înregistrare.

Pentru mai multe informații cu privire la termenii și condițiile noastre și dacăsunteți eligibil pentru finanțare gratuită, vizitați Free Funding

Ce oportunități de carieră am?

Poți lucra …

  • Într-un salon comercial de înfrumusețare;
  • Într-un salon cu specific African;
  • Fii independent, pe cont propriu, fiimobil; lucrează ca hairdresser de domiciliu, sau chiar la tine acasă;
  • Într-o fabrică care se ocupă cu produsele de par;
  • În cadrul televiziunii, filmului sauteatrului;
  • În cadru Armatei;
  • Într-o închisoare;
  • Fă parte din echipa de frumusețe a unei bărci de croazieră;
  • În spitale sau azile de îngrijire.

Ce voi realiza?

După absolvire, obțineți o diplomă VTCT de Nivel 2 recunoscută pe planinternațional, care va califică ca și StateRegistered Hairdresser (SRH) la The Hairdressing Concil.

About the Tutors

Sharon Marshall
Further Info

5 Instructor Rating
12 Reviews
57 Students
2 Courses

I teach Level 2 Barbering and L2/3 Hairdressing at CPBA.
The theory, practical and interaction with the learners are the things I enjoy the most about teaching.
My area of expertise is Cutting.
The reason I decided to go into education is that I wanted to expand my capabilities and share my knowledge.
In my spare time I like to socialise with friends.
My favourite treatment to have is having my nails painted, as I always get complements on the size and shape of my nails.
Dhamelia York
Further Info

5 Instructor Rating
6 Reviews
26 Students
2 Courses

I teach Level 2 Barbering at CPBA.
I am also qualified in hairdressing but my dream has always been barbering.
I enjoy teaching because I like interacting with learners and see them grow.
In my spare time I like spending time with my friends.


  • PB
    Patrycja B.

    I completed a L3 hair qualification with CPBA. I really liked the practical side of my training my tutor was really helpful.

  • RG
    Renata G.

    I learned lots of new things in the course and our tutor was really friendly.

  • RV
    Rima V.
  • PW
    Paula W.

    I got sick at the beginning of the course and the tutor did a great job getting me up to speed and she was extremely supportive until I finished. Now I can get a good job in the industry which I could only dream about in the past.

  • JP
    Judita P.

    The teacher was good and the course time was perfect for me.

  • AA
    Ana-Maria A.
  • BES
    Beatrice Elena S.

    My teacher had vast experience.

  • FN
    Filiz N.
  • AR
    Asfa R.

    Very happy with the course and CPBA.

  • IB
    Ilona B.
  • OG
    Olga G.
  • EP
    Elena P.

    The skills I learned gave me confidence to get a job in the industry.

  • GC
    Gemma C.

    Georgie covered everything we needed & was very supportive.

  • AD
    Aleksandrina D.


  • FB
    Florina B.

    This course helped me to find a job in a salon.

  • SG
    Sutharsana G.
  • ML
    Milioara L.
  • KD
    Kanna D.

    Manjola was an excellent teacher. Everything was explained in depth.

  • MG
    Maria G.
  • NV
    Natasa V.
If you’re considering enrolling here, please read my experience first! I was recently accepted to start the Level 3 Nails program. I got approval on October 25th, even though the intake had started a week earlier. Almost immediately, things started to unravel. Before attending my first class, I was told the October 28th class was canceled and was assured they’d update me with a new schedule soon. That alone felt unsettling, as it seemed like I’d be joining something disorganized right from the start.What really raised red flags was the complete lack of communication following this. The previously responsive customer associate went silent. Calls went unanswered, emails unreturned, and no one seemed available to provide any clarity. My concerns led me to reach out again, and finally, another associate replied, saying that classes were now canceled indefinitely, and they’d only have an update by November 15th.This is not the level of professionalism or organization I expected, especially for a program costing over £3000. After multiple unreturned attempts to reach anyone, I finally sent a direct and firm email, copying everyone from the academy who had been in touch, including management. As I type this, I just received a response—yet again too late.“Dear H - Apologies for the delayed response. I've been out for the last 2 days.We will request a refund of your deposit.Also, please be informed that we will cancel your application with CPBA.Thank you.”Think carefully before investing in this academy.
14:27 30 Oct 24
Not correct 😕
Gergana Rogleva
Gergana Rogleva
12:15 04 Jun 24
Hi I wanted to ask, did everyone get their certificates as I’m starting this course soon?
Jess S
Jess S
15:43 08 Jan 24
Amazing course have learnt so much new things, trainer is brilliant helped so much
sharene bicknell
sharene bicknell
10:20 11 Dec 23
Chloe Lucas
Chloe Lucas
18:11 20 Nov 23
I came across this training academy by accident and glad I did, I’ve completed the lash and hybrid course and have signed up from brow combo course. The enrolment is quick and easy and the course goes into a lot of theory as well as practical which is really good , I had Maisie as my tutor and she was amazing, nothing was too much trouble for her and she took her time to make sure we understood everything and gave really good feedback during the 4 weeks. I honestly can’t wait to start the next one. 10/10 would recommend
kathie shenton
kathie shenton
18:57 26 Aug 23
I was absolutely delighted that I was one of the lucky ones chosen to do this course.I thoroughly enjoyed it and what made it so worth it was our tutor, who was so professional, kind and patient.Thank you so much Maisie.If I may add something which might help other candidates.If there could be quite a precise list on what we need for the course.Some of us still were not sure of what to order and we had already started. Not knowing the different names of lashes is confusing in the beginning.Thank you.
Robyn Hall
Robyn Hall
14:54 14 Aug 23
Amazing course ! I really enjoyed myself. Thank you to Maisie for being an amazing teacher, she was very friendly and comforting.
Sophie Kelly
Sophie Kelly
12:36 12 Aug 23
The course was okay
Miss Lee
Miss Lee
11:41 15 Apr 23
Prb Prb
Prb Prb
11:33 12 Oct 22
madison gamble
madison gamble
12:08 09 Oct 22
I enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it. It was a short course but very informative. My tutor Melina Williams was very helpful and friendly. She explained everything very well and clearly.
Elisa Mahmood
Elisa Mahmood
15:10 26 Sep 22
So nice course my teacher Melina helpful i am so so happy :) everyone coming and do it
I love doing this course...from beginning to end. It was worthwhile. I highly recommend 👌 ☺️ 👍 👏 you to do it...The teacher specifically was amazing and very helpful...and you will learn all you need to start your career development. Don't waste time please sign up as soon you can. Best of luck 👍 ✨️ 💓...
Nilza Andrade Hurley
Nilza Andrade Hurley
15:09 26 Sep 22
Justina Miltienyte
Justina Miltienyte
09:27 15 Sep 22
a big thank you to Maisie Anderson for the effort she put into this course to receive the clearest possible information ❤️ thank you for everything I wholeheartedly recommend this academy
Nina Boboc
Nina Boboc
21:09 08 Sep 22
16:09 10 Aug 22
Celia Pestana
Celia Pestana
10:31 14 Jul 22
I had the best teacher for level1 barberingBest place for study hair and beauty
Kinga's Mind
Kinga's Mind
18:55 04 Jul 22
I realy enjoyed the class meetingsHealy she was realy nice and helpfulI realy liked every minutes. Thank you for al I learnThank you so much
kovacs dorina
kovacs dorina
18:34 26 Jun 22
Course was taught by a tutor who was very good in her field of work. I learnt so much and really want to do another course with the company
Kelly Holden
Kelly Holden
15:29 24 Jun 22
dovile sirmaite
dovile sirmaite
20:01 04 Apr 22
Penny Christoforou
Penny Christoforou
13:02 22 Mar 22
Michelle Johns
Michelle Johns
20:43 07 Mar 22
Laura Boaten
Laura Boaten
09:24 01 Mar 22
Robyn Houston
Robyn Houston
13:01 28 Feb 22
Kelly Wickenden
Kelly Wickenden
12:26 26 Feb 22
Tania Sousa
Tania Sousa
22:37 22 Feb 22
I have done 2 course with CPBA the teachers are so helpful courses were fantastic I would definitely recommend to others
Deborah Henry
Deborah Henry
21:37 17 Feb 22
I’m only giving 1* because I finished my course In August and still I haven’t received any diploma which means I can’t find work 🙄There is more than 6 months and nobody seems to care to provide me with my diploma. I spent every week 2 hours traveling to get to the course and learn plus to get the qualifications,but still here I am with no job in the industry because they are requesting my qualifications which I can’t provide
Excellent hairdressing course! My tutor offered me all the support I needed. Friendly staff.
Cristina Dedu
Cristina Dedu
13:00 30 Oct 21
05:45 30 Oct 21
Tania Popa
Tania Popa
19:54 29 Oct 21
Rubbish!! I attended the college at Leyton. It was a government funded course and we were meant to receive a bursary to help pay for our travel etc, as I was travelling by train for 1 and a half hours to get there. In total I spent up to £16 a day to get there. They lied to us about the bursary saying that they didn’t do it. After contacting student finance, I found out they did in fact do bursary payments but once confronted they claimed that it was too late to apply. They were extremely rude and didn’t even try to help. They made us pay £160 for equipment that would’ve been a total of £50 on Amazon. The products were NOT GOOD AT ALL. CHEAP PRODUCTS!!! The communication and help they provided was terrible. When help was needed, I was ignored for about two weeks before I got a response.This is not worth it at allAVOID THIS PLACE, ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS THEIR MONEY.In response to the owners reply, your colleagues have given false information because that is what we were told after finding out about the bursary. I have no intentions of travelling that far, I just wanted to give my honest review.
Faheema Yousofi
Faheema Yousofi
19:09 27 Oct 21
Very disappointing waste of time and money unfortunately, bad managed and poor teaching from beauty level 3 . Unfortunately one year after still haven’t received the certificate
Mariela Stratieva
Mariela Stratieva
15:18 26 Oct 21
Great collage best one I've ever gone 2
Tessa Jane d
Tessa Jane d
12:01 09 Apr 21
Very disappointed! Wont recommend for anyoneFinish hairdressing course through lockdown ? Via zoom camera ? What joke is that?After more then 9months didn’t received my diploma!!! Stuff is ignoring our msg, that’s ridiculous
Lina Visockė
Lina Visockė
20:04 27 Mar 21
Maria Madalina Amariei
Maria Madalina Amariei
17:35 21 Mar 21
I love doing their courses , soon there will be none left for me to do online , ive learnt a completely different trade all together which i never thought id ever do , i never thought pass in a million years! Everyone ive done ive passed 1st time im so proud of myself! And thank you to the college as well for teaching me too. I would recommend this college, as its got me in to nottingham college so thank you x
Lisa Bees
Lisa Bees
16:21 17 Mar 21
I attended in the leyton branch. I have the admit staff were friendly tutor manjola was an excellant teacher i learnt alot and i am a confident hairdresser. But we my whole class (except one) has not recieved our certification we finished july 2020 and still recieved nothing but excuses. I think this is ridiculous. For ages there was no reply at all. We were promised support anytime which we never got.
Jas Raj
Jas Raj
10:09 10 Feb 21
Bibi Lola
Bibi Lola
16:47 10 Jan 21
Just completed gel nail course which was held online due to covid. It was fabulous! So much covered it such a short time without skipping any corners. I feel really lucky to have seen this advertised on Facebook and accepted from application.The course required quick English and maths test along with a small deposit with the promise of a £5 Amazon voucher upon registration. On completion of the course the deposit is refunded.I got the voucher and also having completed the course was also refunded my deposit.The course was held on Zoom so didn't even have to leave the house. I found it very easy to follow and ask questions if needed. All our lessons have been uploaded onto YouTube for our reference after if needed.I wouldn't hesitate to recommend. Although I found the initial application process quite tricky the actual lessons and treatments learned were fabulous.I would definitely sign up for another. The tutor was lovely and very patient and I am really impressed with how everything was done easy on a screen. Way better than travelling to courses and I hope these become a way of teaching for the future. The group I was in for my classes was quite small (I think 7 or 8) so that was nice as well as smaller classes are easier to follow
Katrina Amethyst
Katrina Amethyst
21:03 14 Aug 20
danijela gabric
danijela gabric
15:09 10 Aug 20
I took the online short course for 3 different courses during lockdown and I’m glad I did! Very supportive and opened up so many opportunities for me. Thank you CPBA xx
14:02 17 Jul 20
The course made me more confident in my skills as a nail technician. The days fit around my schedule which was really good.
Floyd Harper
Floyd Harper
20:51 16 Jul 20
I have truly enjoyed this short Barbering course. I have learned so much in such a short time so much more than i was excepting, theory and practical. My tutor Syreeta Parris was amazing, so patient, easy going and so informative. The group were lovely and this course was so easy to follow. I loved the live recordings and any clips were send to you the next day by email. I loved it. The CPBA staff were very quick to respond to any emails and you were always kepted in the loop. Thank you again a skill for life.
mary gulliver
mary gulliver
16:14 11 Jul 20
The Eyelash Extension course was great! Maisie was a great tutor, she really helped us all understand the theory and her demonstrations were informative - in now have a new career!
Phoenix Skincare & Ink
Phoenix Skincare & Ink
17:07 02 Jul 20
Very professional approach, nice and helpful teachers. I am very happy with this school ❤️
Katarzyna Krawczyk
Katarzyna Krawczyk
12:05 21 Jun 20
I loved the classic lash online course! Tutor was amazing and communication was excellent! Everyone was very knowledgable and nothing was ever too much of an ask. Thank you Candor I will be seeing you again!
Hannah Marie Pengelly
Hannah Marie Pengelly
15:20 19 Jun 20
Fill in the form to get more information
I understand by submitting my details I will be contacted by CPBA with information about their courses and surveys related to their courses (not with spam we promise)