Safeguarding Policy

At Excellence-Solutions we take our responsibility to ensure the safety of our apprentices very seriously.

We are committed to working together to create an enriching learning experience, and to ensure the highest levels of apprentice safety and wellbeing.
Excellence-Solutions has a clear commitment to safeguarding, which is overseen by the Head of Academy/Lead Safeguarding Practitioner who promotes and implements the Safeguarding Policy, ensuring that it is reviewed regularly and acted upon.

Additionally, all Excellence-Solutions Trainers and Assessors working with apprentices are trained in safeguarding and are able to access additional information, advice and training when appropriate.

The Management and staff at the Academy regard each learner as a unique individual and therefore seek to support learner development in ways which will foster security, confidence and independence.

We recognise that high self-esteem, peer support, a safe and secure environment and clear lines of communication with trusted adults helps all young people and adults particularly those at risk of or suffering from abuse. These are regarded as central to the wellbeing of the individual and are therefore seen to be an intrinsic part of all aspects of the curriculum and ethos of the Academy.


  1. To Safeguard all learners and particularly children, young people and adults with identified needs.
  2. To Safeguard Academy staff, volunteers and partners in carrying out their duties in teaching, supervising and supporting learners at the Academy, other external facilities, in the workplace or distance learning.


Applies to:

  1. All learners and particularly children, young people and adults who may need support
  2. All staff, volunteers, partners and families living and working at the Academy, other external facilities, in the workplace or distance learning.


The Academy Management are committed to ensuring safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all learners by:

Prevention – providing a safe environment for young people and adults with additional needs to learn and live in, e.g. through robust staff recruitment, policies and procedures that support safeguarding, a positive atmosphere which promotes our values and provides excellent pastoral and welfare support for all learners.

Protection – identifying any young people and adults with additional needs who are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm, e.g. by neglect, physical injury, sexual abuse or emotional abuse or any aspect of bullying, harassment or coercion.

Support – taking appropriate action to see that all young people and adults with additional needs are kept safe, both at home and at the Academy.

In pursuit of these aims, the Management will ensure safeguarding is a high priority and approve and annually review policies and procedures with the aim of:

  1. Raising awareness of issues relating to the welfare of young people and adults with additional needs and ensuring the promotion of a safe environment for all learners within the Academy, work placements and related environments. This will be achieved by regularly promoting and embedding safeguarding and health and safety key messages into our teaching, learning and student support.
  2. Following appropriate procedures to ensure staff are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to safeguarding and child protection concerns. This will be achieved by close monitoring of staff Continuous Performance Development (CPD) training records and following up any none attendance.
  3. Identifying young people and adults who have additional needs and/or at risk of significant harm and providing procedures for reporting concerns. This will be achieved by linking with all staff where disclosures may be discussed.
  4. Establishing clear procedures for reporting and dealing with allegations of abuse against members of staff and or learners. This will include seeking timely advice from external safeguarding agencies when learners are potentially at risk of any harm.

The safe recruitment and employment of staff. This will be achieved by the Human Resource Team and all staff involved in the recruitment process following legislation, policy and procedures.

Providing suitable systems to ensure the safety of visitors and all who visit the Academy. This will be achieved by joint work with the Health and Safety Advisor and ensuring all risks are adequately controlled and regularly reviewed, as necessary.

Providing environments where everyone feels valued, safe and respected where individuals are encouraged to talk and are listened to and valued. This will be achieved by the regular promotion of the values and embedding these across every area of activity.

In developing and reviewing these safeguarding policies and procedures the management undertake consultation with staff, learners and the relevant bodies including the Local Safeguarding Children Board, the Department for Children, Schools and Families and the Disclosure and Barring Service and follow recommended guidance.

This Policy and the related procedures above are driven by the following legislation and guidance:

Child Protection

  1. Children Act 1989
  2. Protection of Children Act 1999
  3. Education Act 2002
  4. Children Act 2004
  5. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013
  6. Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education DfES 2006
  7. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  8. West Yorkshire Consortium Child Protection Procedures
  9. Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who Work with Children and Young People Allegations Management Advisors 2007

Adult Protection

  1. No Secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi- agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse DoH 2000
  2. London Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures 2013
  3. Safer Practice, Safer Learning: A whole organisation approach to safeguarding vulnerable adults for the learning and skills sector. NIACE/DfES 2007

Safeguarding is the overarching term used to describe the protection of the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals. Under legislation, all parties involved in an apprenticeship must take reasonable action to minimise risks to apprentices.

This includes aspects of the apprentices’ experience, both in and outside of the workplace, as well as during any attendance at our training sites.

Many areas are considered to fall under the definition of safeguarding, including:

  1. Abuse (Emotional and Physical)
  2. Bullying (including online)
  3. Discrimination
  4. Forced Marriage
  5. Mental Health
  6. Neglect and Self-Harm
  7. Radicalisation and Extremism.

Excellence-Solutions’ Role

  1. Ensure that employers are aware of their safeguarding obligations, through guidance and training.
  2. Ensure apprentices have an awareness of safeguarding and understand how to access support services.
  3. Provide safeguarding training for all employees working with apprentices.
  4. Ensure staff working with young and vulnerable people are subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring service check.
  5. Maintain open channels of communication with each employer. Apprentices may act very differently depending on their environment and may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues with different people.

The Employer’s Role

  1. Take appropriate steps to safeguard apprentices in the workplace.
  2. Ensure apprentices understand and undertake safeguarding training in their place of work.
  3. Ensure that any staff working with apprentices and who are in a position of trust are appropriate for the role and do not present any danger or threat.
  4. Ensure that any employees working with young or vulnerable people have had an appropriate check completed by the Disclosure and Barring service.
  5. Ensure the identity of the Safeguarding Lead is known to the apprentice.


As part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, FE providers are required to pay ‘due regard to the need to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism’.

There is no single way of identifying a person who may be vulnerable to extremist ideology, and it is often the culmination of a number of influences. These can include family, friends or relationships they have made online. Extremism can also include non-violent action.

All apprentices studying on a programme with The Academy, will access training sessions in which these issues will be covered.

Excellence-Solutions’ Role

  1. Provide relevant training for members of staff so that they understand the obligations The Academy has under Prevent Duty and how to manage risks and concerns.
  2. Have clear procedures in place so that any concerns can immediately be brought to specialist attention.
  3. Provide a forum for apprentices to explore these matters.
  4. Provide a contact for any further information regarding the Prevent Duty.
  5. Ensure apprentices are able to express views in non- extremist ways and create an environment that encourages respectful free speech.

The Employer’s Role

  1. Demonstrate a commitment to the principles that underpin the Prevent Duty.
  2. Seek specialist support if any concerns are raised.

British Values

An important part of Prevent is also the promotion of British values.

These are the norms that shape our society and which are enshrined in law, through legislation such as the Equality Act 2010.

British values are described as:

  1. Democracy
  2. The rule of law
  3. Individual liberty and mutual respect
  4. Tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs

Apprentices are encouraged to explore ideas in a context where these values are recognised and respected.

Excellence-Solutions’ Role

  1. To promote British values throughout an apprentice’s programme.
  2. Provide a dedicated programme of study which defines and explores British values and how they influence our society.
  3. Create opportunities for apprentices to apply their learning to relevant situations and contexts.
  4. Encourage apprentices to respect each other and their differences, including with regard to protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010.

The Employer’s Role

  1. Demonstrate a commitment to British values.
  2. Adhere to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

Staying Safe Online

The increasing use of the internet and digital technology has presented huge opportunities, both to enrich the learning environment for apprentices and also allowing them to expand their personal horizons. However, people are able to access and engage with online content in many ways, so they need to have the skills to be able to use the internet safely and develop appropriate online behaviours.

It is paramount that people are aware of ways in which they can protect themselves online and ensure the security of their personal data.
Dangers can include bullying and abuse, revenge porn, grooming, identity theft, and viruses.

An important part of an apprentice’s development at university is becoming a critical thinker. Developing this critical mindset will also help apprentices to examine and appraise the validity and authenticity of information online.

Excellence-Solutions’ Role

  1. Assess how apprentices may be at risk of harm using the internet or technology.
  2. Provide relevant training for apprentices so that they are able to work safely and effectively online.
  3. Help apprentices to develop an objective attitude to online information and evaluate its authenticity.
  4. Make sure university staff are trained to identify and deal with concerns about online safety.
  5. Provide clear guidance on what is and is not an acceptable use of the internet at the Academy

The Employer’s Role

  1. Ensure apprentices are made aware of your organisation’s policies on using the internet and technology in the workplace.
  2. Understand the dangers apprentices may face using technology in the workplace and act to minimise risks.
  3. Communicate any concerns about safety online to the Academy.

Key Personnel

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Anetta Molnar
Contact details:

Deputy DSL(s) is/are: Elvy Kollasseril Velayudhan
Contact details:

The nominated safeguarding Officer is : Stacey Shim
Contact details:

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is:
Contact details:
Waltham Forest – Gillian Nash – 020 8496 3646 / 07791 559 789
Waltham Forest – Donna Park – 020 8496 8276 / 07854 238 759
Croydon – – 020 8255 2889
Brent – Brent Family Front Door – – 020 8937 4300
Manchester – – 0161 234 1214

This policy will be reviewed annually.