Interest-Free Loan

Interest-Free Loans for CPBA products

If you’ve thought about buying CPBA products but at the moment you can’t afford it, our Interest-Free Loans could help you get started.

Customers aged 18 or above who have been permanent UK resident for the last 3 years will be able to apply for an Interest-Free Loan.

How does it work? Is there any catch?

▪ Anyone aged over 18 can apply, there is no upper age limit
▪ Anyone resident in the UK, and having been resident in the UK for the past three years
▪ A decision is generally made instantly
▪ There isn’t any catch we pay a fee for the interest-free loan that you take out

How much can I borrow?

▪ The minimum loan amount is £300
▪ The maximum is £15,000

How is the loan paid back?

▪ You will repay the bank in equal monthly instalments for the amount borrowed

How do I apply?

▪ You can apply in our office at 679-691 High road Leyton, E10 6RA

Please fill in the form below if you need more information:

[contact-form-7 id=”9398″ title=”Interest Free Loan”]